Wild thing yoga - You must learn this Movement

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of your chest , wild thing yoga psoas and quadriceps instruction . Lie on your back with your legs bent and your feet separated from / out the height of your hips . Press with your feet , shoulders and hands and slightly raise the navel , creating a small backward movement towards / away the spine . Do not initiate the action by inserting the pelvis or pointing your coccyx . Keep pressing your arms and feet to raise your belly button in Bridge . So stand from one side of the other and put your shoulders and arms with you . Wild thing yoga Interlace the fingers and rectify again with your arms . wild thing yoga is Relax your jaw and let your chin fall from your chest , keeping your throat open and soft . Wait 3-5 breaths before exhaling to release your hands and lower . Advantage wild thing yoga : . Strengthen wrists , arms and shoulders ; open your psoas muscles ; improves breathing by opening the chest and stretching the sides . Wild thing yoga . Wild thing yoga Stay safe : . Move with curiosity : this is perhaps the craziest thing we can do in yoga and in life . Distribute your efforts equitably among the four members . Keep the upper part of the right arm , do not bend the elbow or wrist , which allows you to lift part of the weight of the forearm wild thing yoga . Support the shoulder blades firmly on your back to avoid sinking to / from / in the shoulder ; be spacious in the articulation , allowing the pose to be solidary and safe . Breathe consciously , not too strong , not too gently . Let each breath be a conversation wild thing yoga between the earth and the sky . Open the front and sides of the body and find more satisfaction and joy moving step by step in Camatkarasana (wild thing yoga ) . Wild thing yoga Stage 1 : . Sit with the right leg in front of you and the left leg bent , the foot firmly planted with / out the floor a few centimeters from the right thigh . wild thing yoga If your pelvis is under and it is difficult to sit , place a folded blanket of the sitting bones . This will create more verticality in your spine and eliminate tension in the muscles of your back . wild thing yoga Step 2 : . Inhale and extend both arms of your ears . wild thing yoga Step 3 : . As you exhale , turn to the right , away from your bent leg . Place your right hand on the floor behind the rump (and a blanket if you use one ) and your left arm of the inside of your left leg . This open turn is a good preparation for backsliding actions . Stay here for a few breaths . Inhale to be bigger ; exhale to turn deeper . wild thing yoga Step 4 : . Now , you will press for / on / down three things at once : your right hand , your left foot and your right foot , which will lift your hips . Sweep your left arm of your head . Imagine you are lying on a gigantic barrel , creating a long curved thorn and an open chest . Do not make this a big problem . Be happy with the way the pose is for you today . Instead of dominating and overtaking , remember the feeling of being supported by Fish Pose and its modifications , and Bridge Pose . Feel the space both below and above you . The lower support invites satisfaction ; The opening to the previous possibility invites joy and joy . Stay here for no more than 3 breaths . Exhale to lower and repeat on the other side .

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