Reclined bound angle :Hip Opener, Restorative

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Bound Angle Pose , also known as Reclined Butterfly or Supta Baddha Konasana , is one of my favorite ways to start a class .
It is light enough to facilitate your practice after a long day , but intense enough to begin to sensitize your body and your breathing .
Variations on / in this posture can be found in all types of yoga classes , from the Yin , to the Restorer to the Vinyasa Flow .
Keep reading to learn how to incorporate this incredible posture into your practice .
Advantages of the angled bound angle pose .
This posture creates a passive and smooth stretch for the internal hips and groin , which can be neglected in the most vigorous and fluid practices .
Due to the restorative nature of the pose , it can also help relieve the symptoms of stress , insomnia , mild depression , menstruation or menopause .
The inclined inclined pose is also an excellent pose for pregnancy because it helps to open and energize the pelvic area .
Inclined installation of step angle step by step .
Lie comfortably on your back , with your legs extended and arms at your sides , palms facing the ceiling .
Bend your knees to gather the soles of your feet .
The outer edges (pink toe ) of your feet should rest on the carpet bound angle pose  .
Let the legs open and allow gravity to support the weight of the legs .
Check with your body If your hips and groin are tense , you can move your feet away from your body ; Alternatively , if you feel more open , you can bring your feet closer to the body to deepen the stretch bound angle pose .
Relax your shoulders away from your ears and let your body sink deeper into the carpet .
Stay in the one to five minute postures , depending on your comfort level bound angle pose  .
To get out of the posture , take the palms of the hands on the outer thighs to gently bend the legs and place the soles of the feet on the carpet .
Then , hug your knees to your chest and swing gently from side to side to free your lower back .
advice Take your arms as far as you need them : the more space you create between your arms and body , the wider your shoulder blades will allow the back of your body to relax bound angle pose .
Blocks , blankets and reinforcements are a wonderful way to support him in this position .
A cushion against the back , blocks or blankets under the knees or outer thighs , and / or a blanket under the head can be divine and repair deeply .
Most of us tend to be tight on our hips and groin to sit on a desk all day .
Instead of resisting discomfort , inhale and send your breath and patience to even the most inflexible parts of yourself , they also need to love ! Lette go of stress in one area of ''the body can sometimes send stress indirectly to another part bound angle pose  .
While you remain in this position , remember to keep your jaw relaxed , your breathing steady , and your heart and mind open .

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