Spinal twist yoga :Learn yoga in the simplest way

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description : spinal twist yoga

The twists are a great way to relax and get rid of the anxiety and frustration of your day , just like twisting a sponge . They also stimulate and detoxify the organs of your torso . If you have ever felt tired of / out the end of a day at work or after a weekend of indulgence , the Spinal Twist Recline is an excellent posture to help restore balance .
In Sanskrit , the pose is called " Supta Matsyendrasana " (SOOP-tah MAHT-see-in-DRAHS-uh-nuh ) spinal twist yoga. It is named after an ancient yoga teacher spinal twist yoga, or " siddhi " , called Matseyendra . The name " Matseyendra " literally means " lord of the fish " ; therefore , this position is sometimes known as the inclined Lord of Pisces . 
This is the recumbent version of the popular seated twist , Middle Lord of the Fish Pose (Ardha Matsyendrasana ) .spinal twist yoga Benefits of torsion of the spine . The twisting of the inclined spine offers many benefits , many of which are listed below :

Stretches the muscles of the back and buttocks . 
He massages his back and hips spinal twist yoga . Helps to moisten the vertebral discs . Lengthen , relaxes and realigns the spine . It massages the abdominal yoga twists 
organs and strengthens the abdominal muscles . As a result , this pose tones the waist and also helps eliminate toxins . 

This twist also promotes the flow of fresh blood to your digestive organs spinal twist yoga, which increases the health and function of your entire digestive system . 

This posture is particularly beneficial spinal twist yoga (and it feels good !) . 
After practicing backbends , such as placing the bow / wheel up (Urdhva Dhanurasana ) and the posture of the camel (Ustrasana )spinal twist yoga .

The rotation of the inclined column is generally considered mild and can be therapeutic for stress . However , if you have back pain or degenerative disc disease , take note of the warnings (below ) before attempting this posture , as a twist can aggravate back pain . 

There is no waiting or delay in gratification because yoga is both the means and the result , and the seed of all that is possible are present at/in the beginning . This experience of calm is possible in the first ten minutes of your first yoga class . It is possible in the same breath . 

precautions People with back pain yoga twists 
back injuries or degenerative disc disease should approach this posture with caution and should try to practice it only under the guidance of an experienced and competent instructor . Also avoid doing this posture if you have a recent or chronic injury to your knees or hips . 

Always work according to your own limits and abilities . If you have medical problems , talk with your doctor before practicing yoga . instructions To start , lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor . You can rest your head on a pillow or blanket for additional neck support . 

Let your arms rest by your side yoga twists 
On a due date , draw both knees on your chest and squeeze your hands around them . It is the pose of the knee in the chest (Apanasana ) . 
Extend your left leg across the floor , keeping your right knee on your chest spinal twist yoga. Extend your right arm of the floor at shoulder height of your palm facing down .

Move your hips slightly to the right spinal twist yoga. Then , place your left hand on the outside of your right knee . As you exhale , drop the right knee on the left side of your body yoga twists 
Keep your left hand resting gently on your right knee . 

Turn your head to the right . Soften your gaze to your right fingers . Keep the shoulder blades pressing down and away from your ears . 
Allow the force of gravity to lower your knee even closer to the ground . If your right fingers can touch the ground , let your feet rest . Hold the posture for 10 to 25 breaths . 

During an inspiration , return slowly to the center , bringing both knees to the chest in the knees postures / postured in the chest (Apanasana ) .yoga twists 
Exhale and extend your right leg along the floor .spinal twist yoga Repeat steps 3 through 6 on the opposite side . When you are done with your posture , hug your knees to your chest to breathe a few times for / of the knee-to-chest (Apanasana ) position .

Then exhale slowly while extending both legs along the floor . Modifications and variations . Tilted spinal torsion can provide a lot of benefits of the spine spinal twist yoga, hips and digestive system . There should be no pain and very little discomfort when doing it , therefore , make the adjustments you need to feel totally compatible . try These simple changes to find a variant that suits you : 

for those with back injuries yoga twists 
be sure to consult a competent and experienced instructor before trying this posture . There are several ways to make this posture restorative (fully supported and deeply relaxing ) . Here are some ideas spinal twist yoga: support the upper part of the knee and the leg on a firm pillow or pillow .

Place a folded blanket of your legs .spinal twist yoga Lift the top of the knee and the top of the foot of a yoga block . your hips , try this variant spinal twist yoga: cross the right knee over the left knee (crossed knee-knee )  

If you have flexibility , also wrap your right foot of your left calf , entering the " eagle legs " (the position of the leg of the Eagle Pose (Garudasana ) . 

Then move your hips slightly to the right and lower your knees to the left spinal twist yoga Return to the center and repeat the side opposes / opposed . 

Pour more than stretching the legs combined with a deep abdominal work , try this alternative , called " rotation belly-Pose " (Jathara parivartanasana ) : 

Begin to place on the knees in the chest (Apanasana ) . Then , extend both legs in the air and reach your arms of the sides of shoulder height , palms down . Keep both legs straight by dropping them to the left .yoga twists 
 Turn your head to the right . Inhale , bringing your legs back to the center . Next , place your legs to the right and turn your head towards the gauche . 

Repetez 5-10 times for / of each side spinal twist yoga, and then return to center . TipsPositionnel Twist twists / twisted spinal pose can be relaxing and comforting .

Consider the following information when practicing this posture spinal twist yoga: wear the top of the knee only for comfort . 

If necessary , support the top of the knee on a cushion or pillow to decrease range of motion . 

Keep breathing soft and deep ; do not hold your breath Replace the opposite hand on top of the knee to gently add more weight . Relax your shoulders with your ears yoga twists 
Try to keep both shoulder blades of the floor . Relax your abdominal muscles and let your belly feel empty .

Never force your knee on the floor .spinal twist yoga Be gentle with yourself ! Consider how your back feels during posture . 

If you experience sharp pain , pinching or shooting pain , stop your posture and leave slowly yoga twists 
but immediately . Never force twisting if you feel pain spinal twist yoga. 

Turn on ReleasePracticing Recline Spinal Twist is an excellent way to release tension and toxins , while lengthening and strengthening the spine .spinal twist yoga Because it adds a little comfort at the end of your practice , or at the end of your day , relax your body and mind with a spin !

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