half moon yoga pose :One of the best yoga movements

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The half moon pose invites you to take advantage of the energy of the moon, as calm and balanced the fiery strength of the sun. 
The pose teaches coordination and can help you understand the interdependence of actions in your body. Half Moon can also help you develop strong legs and open hips. How to do: half moon yoga pose. Perform an extended triangular posture (Utthita Trikonasana) on the right side, with the left hand resting on the left hip. Inhale, bend the right knee and slide the foot around 6 to 12 inches along the floor. 
At the same time, move your right hand over the edge of your foot at least 12 inches. Exhale, firmly on the right hand and the right heel to the floor, half moon yoga pose and straighten the right leg, simultaneously raising the left leg parallel (or slightly above the parallel) to the floor.

Extend actively through the left heel to keep the leg strong. Balancing half moon was careful not to block (and therefore hyperextend) the standing knee: make sure that the knee is half moon yoga poses / posed aligned forward and not inward. balancing half moons / mooned Turn the upper torso to the left, but keep the left side light forward. Most students should keep their position, half moon yoga pose facing forward. Carry body weight Lightly on the floor, using it to intelligently adjust your scale.

half moon yoga poses / posed Lift the ankle up firmly, as if you were pulling energy from the floor to the right groin. Press the sacrum and shoulder blades firmly against the posterior torso and extend the coccyx towards the raised heel. Stay in this position of / on / in 30 seconds to 1 minute. Half moon yoga poses / posed Then lower the raised leg to the ground with an exhalation, and return to Trikonasana. 
Then pose as for the left for the same duration. The key to climbing in Half Moon. The movement originates with the weight transfer (see Step 1), which assumes the weight of the torso for the sake of the body. Begin by bending the leg upwards. Half moon yoga poses / posed To your balance, move the weight of your body forward it is directly over your hands and your front foot balancing half moons / mooned. Remain there for a few breaths, allowing you to feel strong and stable. Half moon yoga poses Then, press the ball and the heel of the foot while directing the center of the kneecap towards the toes. 
Be sure to twist and open the outer thigh to maintain this direction of the knee; half moon yoga poses Otherwise, you risk losing your confidence and losing your balance. 
Finally, keep the leg firm while turning the shoulders, chest and abdomen up. Half Moon poses with the opening of the pelvis and chest.
Using the wall for support (see Step 2) will give you the opportunity to explore this expansion more fully and experience a full opening. 
While continuing to be active, you can use the effort to increase your chances of doing business. Extend and stretch your legs and arms, then move your abdomen and chest up. Do not recoil or collapse on the wall, but use it to feel how much you can open. Half moon yoga poses / posed You can only have the back of the heel raised against the wall balancing half moon. In Half Moon Pose, you come opposite energy. 
Yoga half moon / moons To do this, we need coordination.
Lifting the leg up, straighten the leg at the same speed.
Practice going up and down simultaneously. Work hard in both directions: 
Keep pressing and continue to spread. Stay with that and you can arrive at a time when you feel suspended in the air, balancing easily balancing half moon. Explore how much you can unlock the chest and open the chest. Half moon yoga poses / posed. While practicing Half Moon Pose, keep the image of the rising moon with grace and ease on the horizon.
Allow the freshness of your rays to extend your mind in a fresh, calm and stable half moon yoga. Connect to the moon. The soothing energy of the moon is needed in our lives as heat and sunlight.
When you need dynamism and determination, half moon yoga poses you use solar energy. At other times, soothing is a more balanced response to circumstances. The practice is to learn how to use each other: when to cool the ambition and when to increase the heat.

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